About Evolve™
  • Pricing & Sourcing
    Evolve™ is a pricing and sourcing service that enables you to check the market and buy at the best prices

  • Suppliers
    Send RFQs to your own preferred suppliers and a selection chosen from the thousands in the national database

  • Service
    A dedicated team of specialists constantly monitor your RFQs and suppliers to ensure you receive the best possible response

  • Savings
    Generate reports on estimated savings and where those savings have been achieved.

  • Analysis
    Generate reports on what is being bought and from whom. See what percentage of your opportunities are offered to local suppliers

Phone: 020 3920 8054

Email: support@elcom.com

MultiQuote Buyer  v19.7.0
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Page created at: 05/02/2025 18:08:57
GMT Standard Time